Basketball Drills that Improve Your Game

Author: Michael Vera

I love coaching basketball. I join tournaments and leagues to compete with the best coaches possible.I take this sport very seriously.I started playing when I was young and played ever since. Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson and Kobe Bryant were some of my favorite players.They inspired me to get better and improve my game. Even though I know I won't play or coach at a professional level, the hunger to bring out thebest in my players is still very strong inside me.

To improve my coaching, I am always trying to find ways to train harder and more efficiently. I consult with other coaches and friends. I always watch videos of training methods and actual games. I try to imitate to moves of some coaches when I hold practices with my guys. I also emphasize on making them stronger and faster and more athletic.I want them to be the best they can be. To be the best, strenght and conditioning is the key. That is when my problem began to surface. I can't seem to find the right basketball training program to help me achieve my goal. I searched for books about strenght and conditioning but these programs are not really what I was looking for. I needed something different.

That is when I found this book by Derek Kellogg, a famous basketball coach. At first I doubted his methods. I thought they were too simple. In due course, I decided to give it a try. The results were amazing. I didn't know that my players can run faster and jump higher. Our game was enhanced a lot and I was really happy. Not only did I get the respect of my friends and players,I found this confidence in me I never knew I had. There are many programs out there that promises to get your players better but sadly, most of them can't deliver.

To know more about basketball drills, click here:
(ArticlesBase SC #4148015)

About the Author

part time coach during his free time

Jump higher basketball - Simple exercises and Tips to Increase Vertical Leap

By expectus

I’ve been playing basketball for around 10 years now and there’s one thing everyone wants to do better and that’s to jump higher and dunk over someone. Nothing better than going for that fast break and dunking it or getting that sweet alleyoop. I’m a relatively short guy but I will give you some tips on what I did to increase my vertical leap from when I could only just touch the backboard, I can now get a full hand over the top of the basket, just working on my hand strength now to palm the ball no point if u can get above the rim but loose the ball in mid air.

Tip 1# Jumping is a whole body movement Everyone believes the key to jump higher is to have good leg strength and explosiveness its true this is needed but its not the only thing. You need a good strong upper body to help you swing up and reach for that damn basket. So remember train that whole body.

Tip 2 # Train for Explosiveness The key to getting that ring is to make those fast twitch muscle fibers shoot off in an explosive manner. You will get no where training for slow jumps when you are practicing your dunk or just trying to touch the ring put 100% effort into it that’s the only way you will get better and closer to that ring.

Tip 3 # Make it 2nd Nature Most important of all train regularly and train hard, get your body used the movement of going in for the lay up or the dunk until it becomes second nature. The best way to improve anything of your game is to keep doing it and practice. Practice makes perfect ( yeas everyone says that :P )

Specific Exercises –

Tips Squat – Squats are amazing for building strong lower body muscles it will pretty much cover every muscle below your waist. When doing your squats remember to do them fast to hit those fast twitch muscle fibers ( they are the muscles that give you explosive strength )

A very popular way to jump higher is something called a 50 squat routine it pretty much revolves around doing your squats really fast with or without weight. I do them in this manner

- do the first 15 on the tip of your toes

- the next 20 with your heels to the floor

- the last 15 on your toes

Many people use this and claim to be able to increase there vertical leap in a few days (this can be maintained from regular squatting, remember to give your muscles 24 -48 hours rest)

Skipping – Another great exercise for the legs as well as the shoulders is skipping. When I do skipping I will start with around 50 and then take a rest and then I will try to beat that 50 and keep going until I can’t beat my previous anymore. Lunges are also a great leg exercise.

Air alert and similar systems

Just to let you know I have tried the air alert system supposedly meant to increase your vertical jump dramatically and I found it alright but nothing as incredible as they say . Its main idea behind it is a whole lot of repetitive plyometric exercises like jumping on your toes explosively for 100 reps or squat jumps things like that. I ended up getting quite sore knee’s while on this system and to me it seems like overloading your muscles into growth and I believe it’s a good short term solution but it can leave more damage than good.

So basically to jump higher stay fit , work out , and most importantly get out there with the ball and try and dunk it and know you will get there eventually and remember only reason those top NBA guys even the small ones can dunk so well is that they have such hectic training schedules and have built up amazing full body strength

good luck all.

Finding the Right Jump Program - Not All Programs Are Created Equally

By Will Beam

Almost any athlete who has wanted to increase their vertical jumping ability has undoubtedly researched the myriad of jump programs available on the market today. The first question in any athlete's mind is going to be, "Can such a program work for me?" Sadly, most programs do not work, and this fact not only results in lost time and money - it can also create a situation where an athlete is risking injury. There are many factors to consider when evaluating jump programs, and by gaining a greater understanding of the shortcomings of the majority of the information available, it becomes easier to find the right program to help a person realize their goals.

Unfortunately, many of the jump programs available today were devised as purely money-making schemes that have little regard for an athlete's safety or their desires. There are scores of systems that claim to produce results, but such programs are often written by ghost-writers who have no real experience with properly training people to increase their verticals. Other times, a jump program is created as a part of a marketing program where the true goal is to make money. In either case, it is important for an athlete to carefully research several jump programs in order to find a legitimate one. Programs that are created by coaches who specialize in proper, safe and effective jump-training techniques will produce dramatic results.

There are many reasons why the majority of jump programs fail to cause significant improvement. The main reason for this is that an inferior program is not comprehensive when teaching an athlete how to implement a diversified training regimen. This is critical, as it is counterproductive to primarily focus on one or two techniques when there are no fewer than nine variables involved in effective vertical jump training. Working on one's explosion is just one aspect of improving jumping ability, but many programs will act like this one component is the "Holy-Grail" of jump training. When searching through all the jump programs out there, be sure to find one that offers a diversified approach.

Coaching and mentoring are key components of any athletic training program, as it is critical for an athlete to not only receive feedback, but also to make sure that they are following the steps properly and safely. Most of the jump programs available leave an athlete on their own when it comes to support. It is unrealistic to think that a person will experience dramatic results through just the reading of a book or article. It takes much more than that to reach the goals set forth. A few of the high-quality jump programs offer unlimited email support coupled with phone support, when necessary. These are the programs worth considering.

Even when armed with all the best information on how to improve one's vertical jumping abilities, failure is inevitable if an athlete does not take a disciplined and dedicated approach to their training. The personal attributes that are required to be successful at any type of training must come from within, and there is no jump program in the world that can do the work for a person. A good program is a place to start, but there are other necessary tools that must be utilized if an athlete is going to get the most out of their efforts. There is no use investing time and money into a jump program if someone is not going to display the work-ethic and commitment required. Along the same lines as proper discipline, a specific dietary program must be used in conjunction with proper training if one is going to reach their potential. Finding a jump program that offers a sensible diet plan is critical in allowing muscles to receive the fuel they need to be as strong and efficient as possible.

Jump programs are not just to be thought of as being beneficial to those wanting to improve at basketball. The training involved in improving vertical jumping ability can be applied effectively to almost any athletic endeavor. Athletes young and old stand to benefit from a quality jump program.

Fortunately, there is a comprehensive jump program out there that will provide all the necessary tools to be successful. There is no other program that takes into account the real formula needed for improving one's vertical like The Jump Manual. Check out  for all the information. Don't rely on writers to do a coach's job - instead enlist the help of professional sports trainers who take pride in what they do. This program offers everything an athlete will need to realize dramatic improvements in their jumping ability.

How to Be a More Competitive Basketball Player

24.01.2010 | Author: Jon "blitzer" Moreno
A lot of people love to watch and play basketball. However, there are some who play it not just as a hobby but as a profession. Thus, they devote more time to practice in order to become really successful in their craft.

If you happen to be one of them, then you know exactly the demands of this sports, which may include chasing a loose ball, shooting the ball accurately, and trying to stop a fast and aggressive player. All these basketball demands entail good physique and the right kind of practice. Now, if you are new to this game and want to become a more competitive player, then here are some sports tips for you.

Improve your ball handling. Simple running and improved cardio capacity are not enough to make you handle the ball better. You need to practice ball handling drills over and over to be a top-flight ball handler. Here’s one important drill for you: stand at one end of the court while holding one basketball in each hand. Then start walking forward toward the opposite baseline. While doing this, you need to bounce the ball in your right hand first, then your left hand second. Continue doing this and when you feel more comfortable doing the drill, try to fashion down the court faster. You’ll see, in no time you’ll be able to bounce both balls with equal skills while sprinting down the floor.

Shoot the ball accurately. Focus on your form when shooting. But how to do it? Well, this is where muscle memory comes in. If you keep doing the same form when practicing, chances are you’ll get more used to it until shooting with the right form becomes more natural for you. Remember – “Shooters are made – not born.” So, practice shooting with the right form more.

Handling the ball better and shooting it accurately will really help you play basketball like a pro. To learn more sports guide and sports tips, check out

The author has more sports tips on his site at Within the same site are some basketball tips, wrestling guide and much more.

How To Break Ankles On The Basketball Court

So, you want to start dropping defenders to the ground on the court with explosive crossover moves huh? Well, you’ve come to right place, because in this article I’m going to teach you 3 simple tips that you can use to develop a deadly crossover.

Tip #1: Slower Is Better Then Faster

When performing a crossover move, what you’re basically doing is faking one way and going the opposite way. The key to all this is to sell the fake to your defender and make him believe that you’re about to go one way, while you go the other way. You cannot sell the fake if you perform it too fast.

When your perform a crossover move too fast your defender won’t even see the fake and if he can’t see the fake then he can’t fall for it, so your crossover won’t work. Instead of performing a crossover quickly, slow it down instead and make it almost obvious to your defender that you’re about to go one way and when he leans to cut you off, quickly change directions and go the opposite way.

Tip #2: Keep The Ball And Your Body Low

When you perform a crossover you need to stay low so you can have maximum explosiveness when you change directions. I’ve never seen anyone break a defenders ankles standing straight, and you’re not going to be the first player to do it. Make sure you also keep the ball at knee height or below during the entire crossover movement.

Tip #3: Mix it up

Although any properly executed crossover move is hard to stop, eventually any decent defender will see the pattern and stop your move. That’s why you need multiple crossover moves in your arsenal. That way you can always keep your defender guessing and blow by him all game long.

If you can follow these 3 tips it will be hard for any defender to stay in front of you on the basketball court. If you want a step by step program that will teach you the 13 deadliest crossover moves in the game of basketball and make you literally unstoppable off the dribble, then make sure you check out the brand new Crossover Machine video training program.

Click Here To Check Out Crossover Machine